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Proficient Reading: 21%


Distinguished Reading:4%


Proficient Math: 13%


Distinguished Math: 3%



Proficient Reading: 21%


Distinguished Reading: 5%


Proficient Math: 19%


Distinguished Math: 4%



Proficient Reading: 24%


Distinguished Reading: 5%


Proficient Math: 8%


Distinguished Math: 3%


Home/Hospital Instruction

Home/Hospital instruction seeks to offer an academic program that can realistically balance grade level demand to student medical need until the student can return to an appropriate school environment. Home/Hospital instruction is designed as short-term instruction provided in a home or other designated site for a student who is temporarily unable to attend school upon recommendation by a medical provider and approved by a school based home hospital team.

When a student is expected to be absent from school for at least five consecutive days because of a documented medical or psychological condition, Home/Hospital instruction should be considered. Students participating in home hospital instruction receive attendance credit.  They receive a home hospital attendance reason and are not counted as absent from school.  

According to state guidelines, two hours of Home/Hospital instruction every five school days is the equivalent to one full week of school attendance. Home/Hospital instruction is not designed to take the place of a more appropriate school placement. Enrollment into the Home/Hospital program provides no guarantee that a student will pass their classes. Students will be held accountable and must complete each assignment that is provided to them by the Home/Hospital teacher. It is the responsibility of the Home/Hospital teacher to return the assignments to the Classroom teachers for grading. 

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:

  • Present the school with the required documentation of a medical provider completed home hospital application
  • Be present for each Home Hospital session when the home hospital teacher is present in person or virtually
  • Conference with the home hospital teacher and sign an agreement for home hospital instructional sessions.  
  • Provide a safe environment free from distraction for the home hospital instruction
  • Contact the home hospital teacher in advance for any scheduled appointment that the student is unable to make.  Please note that every visit is the equivalent of 2.5 days of attendance that cannot be made up due to  unavailability or uncooperative behavior.  

Student Responsibilities:

  • Be on time and present for each scheduled appointment
  • Bring all materials to the session including charged technology
  • Complete all assigned work and return to the home hospital teacher as directed
  • Work to the best of your ability


Home Hospital Application (parent/guardian and medical professionals)

Home Visit Timesheet (Home/Hospital Teachers)

Home Hospital Session Agreement (Home/Hospital Teacher & Guardian)

Parent Agreement for Home Hospital Instruction (Parent/Guardian)

Kentucky Home Hospital Guidance, Regulation, & Statutes

702 KAR 7:150



Newport Independent Board Policy

08.1312 Home/Hospital Instruction

09.122 Attendance Requirements

09.221 Supervision of Students

The board of education of the district in which the child resides shall require submission to the board of satisfactory evidence in the form of a signed statement of a properly licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, physician's assistant, psychologist, or psychiatrist responsible for diagnosing and treating the child, stating that the diagnosed condition of the child prevents or renders inadvisable attendance at school and requires home or hospital instruction. If the condition is mental health related, then the signed statement shall be completed by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician's assistant described in KRS 202A.011 or an advanced practice registered nurse defined in KRS 314.011 and certified in psychiatric-mental health nursing. On the basis of such evidence, the local board of education may exempt the child from compulsory attendance.